Dude, Where's My Muse?

Saturday, December 03, 2005


First half of things finally went in the mail last night, er at least the cards did. Still have a few packages to mail, hoping on tomorrow but it could get bumped later in the week if need be. So if it shows up late, sorry!

Another fyi, I probably won't be online much this week period. So if you need me, leave me a message on IM, that's probably the best way since email may or may not get checked.
posted by Lis at 12:04 p.m.


The e-mail might not get checked? Don't scare me, Lis!

Sunday, December 04, 2005 4:47:00 p.m.  

Didn't mean to scare you! But some of the lists are getting awfully chatty this week and it takes forever to download 3-500 messages and since I can't be online (so the phone's open) I can't waste time downloading. If I do get on, I'm only to sign into yahoo real quick and my one biz addy opens up anyways when I sign into aol.

Sunday, December 04, 2005 8:15:00 p.m.  

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