Dude, Where's My Muse?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Am I the only one who can't believe the date?
Where did the last month go? I am so not ready for Christmas to be so close. Things aren't anywhere near ready. Writing stuff isn't anywhere near ready and I wanted certain things done and taken care of well before now.
But I am working on the last few pages of one project that are making me pull my hair and go 'argh, what are these characters thinking?' but I refuse to let it sit and simmer any longer. I want at least a week writing free and its going to be over Christmas :o)
Is anyone else feeling way behind in the holidays?
Besides gifts to wrap (and, erm, buy) I still have one holiday letter to write to my great aunt and uncle and get it mailed off and the tree to get up, even though at this moment, I'm totally not in the holiday spirit.
posted by Lis at 2:37 p.m.

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