Dude, Where's My Muse?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I've been tagged...
Nell tagged me :o)
I'm supposed to go to my blog archive and the twenty-third post or nearest it (so I get to go back a hundred according to blogger) Find the fifth sentence and ponder it for hidden meaning then tag five others.
Alrighty, let's see what we get:
Entry Title: Advice if you know...
Fifth sentence: I'm on the fence about going.
Ah, the mantra of my life lol I was debating on whether or not to go see Smackdown here in Edmonton in May. Tickets were about to go on sale. I ended up not going *sigh* and missing the chance to see a) John Cena and b) Cena's last appearance on Smackdown. (And yes, I do seriously have a small, er, crush on Mr. Cena thankyouverymuch!)
So here we are, six months later and I still think I'm on the fence. But now its about a whole new pile of things :o) Mostly writing related wouldn't you know.
Hmmm, now I'm supposed to tag someone. But since no one visits the blog anymore, I've nobody to tag.
I'm supposed to go to my blog archive and the twenty-third post or nearest it (so I get to go back a hundred according to blogger) Find the fifth sentence and ponder it for hidden meaning then tag five others.
Alrighty, let's see what we get:
Entry Title: Advice if you know...
Fifth sentence: I'm on the fence about going.
Ah, the mantra of my life lol I was debating on whether or not to go see Smackdown here in Edmonton in May. Tickets were about to go on sale. I ended up not going *sigh* and missing the chance to see a) John Cena and b) Cena's last appearance on Smackdown. (And yes, I do seriously have a small, er, crush on Mr. Cena thankyouverymuch!)
So here we are, six months later and I still think I'm on the fence. But now its about a whole new pile of things :o) Mostly writing related wouldn't you know.
Hmmm, now I'm supposed to tag someone. But since no one visits the blog anymore, I've nobody to tag.
posted by Lis at 11:52 a.m.

Lis, I'm visiting your blog! So tag me if you'd like! I hope you're doing well, girl!
Hi Olga,
Consider yourself tagged then :o)
Not doing too bad, little stressed again so trying to relax a little.
He he I visit but I got you first!!!
*g* yup you got me :o)
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