Dude, Where's My Muse?

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Oooh I feel all Saturday night live all of a sudden *g* Course its not the weekend, but hey close enough.

So, I don't remember if I blogged on this last week but I finally started my seeds inside. Didn't get all the ones planted I'd hoped (Zinnias and Dahlias still aren't in, neither are the marigolds) but did get a flat each of pansys, petunias and snaps plus half and half peppers and tomatoes. Uhm, should it worry anyone that in under a week my tomatoes are an inch tall? Yes? No? I can't remember if that's the norm or not. Snaps are up like crazy, may have overseeded, but the seeds are so small and they blend right in with the dirt I couldn't tell. May have to do what I hate and thin them out. And most of the pansies seem to be up and greeny, so everything except for the petunias are nice and green and showing signs of life.

What else...

#4 played in his 700th NHL game Tuesday night. Yay & congrats to him. Though his goal was disallowed (boo!! I still say it crossed the line, then Denis brought it back) just hope he sees some ice and not from the press box during the playoffs.

And now my wishlist. Apparently in Dallas, the stars are selling a t-shirt that says Helsinki South. Someone on the official stars board posted a pic and it looks cool. Except, the fun part, its not available on the stars website or the nhl.com one, oh no, apparently only in the stars shop or in the aac. *sigh* So tomorrow or Friday I'm gonna try to email someone at the stars and see what's up with that? Can't a gal in Edmonton get her hands on one? I mean come on, I went to the game here in a FINNISH jersey for crying out loud... :o) I wants me that t darn it.

Hope everyone's having a good wednesday!
posted by Lis at 12:13 a.m.


Hmmm, I'll have to see if there's a Stars shop close by because the agoraphobia won't allow me to drive to AAC. I'll see what I can do - but only because it's you.

Planting flowers? I stopped and looked at some in the store the other day - does that count?

Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:16:00 a.m.  

Oh Eve *squeal, hugs* thankie! much appreciated :o)

Sure, close enough :o) Gotta say I love spring flowers, all the nice colors

Thursday, April 20, 2006 12:57:00 p.m.  

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