Dude, Where's My Muse?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Lovely weather

The weather here has been gorgeous lately, hard to believe it's October. I've been able to sit outside and do some reading and get a lot of good snapshots. The only bad thing is most of the flowers are gone except for some hardy Calendulas, daisies, sweet peas, stocks and a dwarf morning glory that was hidden all summer by the Cosmos that decided to take over.

Signed up for three workshops this month, so I need to clean up the inbox and sort it a little better. Two are through the same RWA group, so it's a little confusing as it is right now. Don't want to post an assignment to the wrong loop!

Other than that, scanning a lot more of Mom's latest sketches. We bought her two new 100 pg pad two and a half weeks ago and she's almost already through one. She's on her own for the next set of portfolios though! :)

posted by Lis at 7:55 p.m.


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