Dude, Where's My Muse?
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Bye Bye Bye
Brit & Jas...
Currently their winging their way towards the UK, hopefully enjoying the flight with some alcoholic beverages. I toasted them off with a cold can of Dr. Pepper :o)
Had an interesting day today. Typed the end on the manuscript at 3:30 this morning then proofread the entire 200+ pages, finally trudging up to bed at 5.
Wake up at 10:30 thanks to some dogs barking and it seems like their right under the window. Argh. Get up, check my email as always. Now I entered a contest last week, absolutely nothing writing related but its a good one, anyhoos, get an email back. Congratulations. Sign this release! :) The only hitch was signing it and sending it back, because it had to go back as pdf document. Well we don't have Adobe PDF on here (just the reader) so I tried one program, it froze up the computer and wouldn't scan anything. Then I remembered print shop. Hit install pdf printer, scanned the printed pages in and voila! My 6 page release is now a pdf file. So that's in and I'm waiting to hear, hopefully good news :o) Not sure when I hear back but fingers crossed on soon.
So go in to mail the ms this afternoon and the nice girl is behind the desk in the post office. Put the requested agent partial through first and then the MS. I ask if ExpressPost goes to the UK, yes indeedy. Good go that route. The hitch - it requires the phone # of who I'm sending it to. She said I could come back tomorrow. Uh no, I just spend $2 bus fare coming down, printed, proofed and had dad box it up. Nuh uh. I could go home and call her with the #. Well no guarantee she'd be the one answering the phone or whoever did would know what I was talking about. So I'm standing there, she's put it through and I've paid the $55.00 for it to get there ASAP and it hits me, the phone # has to be in one of those writers markets books. So I tell her I'm going across the street to Chapters and I'll be back. Cross the highway with mom (the fun!) Okay here's a HUGE gripe, the 2005 Writers Market Book. You can't find a damn thing in there! Every friggin imprint of every other publisher is in there, Love Spell, Steeple Hill, but no Harlequin Mills and Boon. Finally, I find the listing in the index (which isn't even an index really) and write down and run back across the street. I think she was pretty surprised how fast I came back. Scribbled down the phone # in England (Might be lucky, I think the country code is 44! hehe) and off it went.
After that, ran to Zellers and got the two new Bombshell books I wanted this month. Though didn't make it up to Wa;-Mart to buy my reward DVDs for getting the blasted thing off in the mail.
So I am now officially on vacation, at least till May! woohoo :o)
Currently their winging their way towards the UK, hopefully enjoying the flight with some alcoholic beverages. I toasted them off with a cold can of Dr. Pepper :o)
Had an interesting day today. Typed the end on the manuscript at 3:30 this morning then proofread the entire 200+ pages, finally trudging up to bed at 5.
Wake up at 10:30 thanks to some dogs barking and it seems like their right under the window. Argh. Get up, check my email as always. Now I entered a contest last week, absolutely nothing writing related but its a good one, anyhoos, get an email back. Congratulations. Sign this release! :) The only hitch was signing it and sending it back, because it had to go back as pdf document. Well we don't have Adobe PDF on here (just the reader) so I tried one program, it froze up the computer and wouldn't scan anything. Then I remembered print shop. Hit install pdf printer, scanned the printed pages in and voila! My 6 page release is now a pdf file. So that's in and I'm waiting to hear, hopefully good news :o) Not sure when I hear back but fingers crossed on soon.
So go in to mail the ms this afternoon and the nice girl is behind the desk in the post office. Put the requested agent partial through first and then the MS. I ask if ExpressPost goes to the UK, yes indeedy. Good go that route. The hitch - it requires the phone # of who I'm sending it to. She said I could come back tomorrow. Uh no, I just spend $2 bus fare coming down, printed, proofed and had dad box it up. Nuh uh. I could go home and call her with the #. Well no guarantee she'd be the one answering the phone or whoever did would know what I was talking about. So I'm standing there, she's put it through and I've paid the $55.00 for it to get there ASAP and it hits me, the phone # has to be in one of those writers markets books. So I tell her I'm going across the street to Chapters and I'll be back. Cross the highway with mom (the fun!) Okay here's a HUGE gripe, the 2005 Writers Market Book. You can't find a damn thing in there! Every friggin imprint of every other publisher is in there, Love Spell, Steeple Hill, but no Harlequin Mills and Boon. Finally, I find the listing in the index (which isn't even an index really) and write down and run back across the street. I think she was pretty surprised how fast I came back. Scribbled down the phone # in England (Might be lucky, I think the country code is 44! hehe) and off it went.
After that, ran to Zellers and got the two new Bombshell books I wanted this month. Though didn't make it up to Wa;-Mart to buy my reward DVDs for getting the blasted thing off in the mail.
So I am now officially on vacation, at least till May! woohoo :o)
posted by Lis at 8:10 p.m.

Yay, your ms is on the way! Now I'll be biting nails together with you.
Congrats on your good news about the contest!
Whoo hoo Lis! Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Thanks ladies!! :o)
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