Dude, Where's My Muse?
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Blah blah...
I just feel like rambling right now :o)
So, on the writing front, I'm really sorta blahed out. I don't feel like doing any real writing, (that one idea is still percolating in my head and besides it has Cary Grant in there somewhere, I gotta love that) and looking at my f.f. revisions, I don't know that I feel ready to jump in there (though I am in a Nick mood again) so we'll see, probably break down and do some writing sometime, somewhere down the road this week.
RAW's on tomorrow night and I can only hope the blasted vcr will decide to like the vhs tape and tape it. I'm just happy they had a good delay last week before the HBK/Hogan promo or I would have missed it. And I can't get on to the wrestling website tonight because there's so many people hitting it for the results. I just hope they didn't do something STUPID and have Shawn turn on Hogan or vice versa because frankly, that's pure stupidity.
On wrestling for a moment, read something that shocked me today. Chris Candido a.k.a "Skip" of the Body Donnas in the WWF in the mid-late 1990s passed away this week. Was a shocker. He was only 33!! I remember reading this week he'd gone in for surgery after hurting his leg at the TNA ppv last weekend and that he'd gone to the tapings Tuesday as a manager role. Wow.
You almost have to wonder if there wasn't a curse or something put on some of these guys at the time. The sheer number of athletes that have passed away in the last couple years is scary to think about. I can still remember sitting watching the In Your House October 1997 pay-per-view and Vince announcing Brian Pillman was dead.
Anyways, I can't think of much else to say at the moment...IM me if you want I should be around tonight.
So, on the writing front, I'm really sorta blahed out. I don't feel like doing any real writing, (that one idea is still percolating in my head and besides it has Cary Grant in there somewhere, I gotta love that) and looking at my f.f. revisions, I don't know that I feel ready to jump in there (though I am in a Nick mood again) so we'll see, probably break down and do some writing sometime, somewhere down the road this week.
RAW's on tomorrow night and I can only hope the blasted vcr will decide to like the vhs tape and tape it. I'm just happy they had a good delay last week before the HBK/Hogan promo or I would have missed it. And I can't get on to the wrestling website tonight because there's so many people hitting it for the results. I just hope they didn't do something STUPID and have Shawn turn on Hogan or vice versa because frankly, that's pure stupidity.
On wrestling for a moment, read something that shocked me today. Chris Candido a.k.a "Skip" of the Body Donnas in the WWF in the mid-late 1990s passed away this week. Was a shocker. He was only 33!! I remember reading this week he'd gone in for surgery after hurting his leg at the TNA ppv last weekend and that he'd gone to the tapings Tuesday as a manager role. Wow.
You almost have to wonder if there wasn't a curse or something put on some of these guys at the time. The sheer number of athletes that have passed away in the last couple years is scary to think about. I can still remember sitting watching the In Your House October 1997 pay-per-view and Vince announcing Brian Pillman was dead.
Anyways, I can't think of much else to say at the moment...IM me if you want I should be around tonight.
posted by Lis at 8:40 p.m.

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