Dude, Where's My Muse?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My creativity at the moment is zapped, gone, gonzo, poof, vanished. I'm not sure if its the weather (gray and freezing); or I'm burnt out (possibly) or I'm just not working on the right idea (ditto) -- or all three combined. But sitting in front of the comp with a blank word document is torture at the moment. Even worse when I'm using my binder and gel pens, when I start thinking to myself "I'm wasting this pretty purple metallic ink on this?" This is usually my scrawly signature and date in the corner of each page before I write.
I'm considering taking the day off and reading through the rest of CS one last time before I print it off then go through all my story notes scattered on the hard drive and put them together in my writing folder where they all should be anyway. Organizing can be my procrastination tool of choice :o)
I'm considering taking the day off and reading through the rest of CS one last time before I print it off then go through all my story notes scattered on the hard drive and put them together in my writing folder where they all should be anyway. Organizing can be my procrastination tool of choice :o)
Labels: Writing
posted by Lis at 2:38 p.m.

I like this new template you're using. Very retro and vogue.
Here's my solution to your "brain freeze". For every minute you waste doodling or fooling around or whatever when you've promised to be writing...another minute has to be spent outside with no coat on.
Hey? Hey? Do you think it would work? Tough love, baby, tough love!
We're cold here too. No wind as of late, but that's not stopping us from dipping down to -45C - -48C every night and warming up to a balmy -39C. You'd think we were living in the arctic or something! ;)
Thanks :o) Took me most of the month to find this one. I had another one I liked (actually wasn't as nice) that didn't want to take, but this one installed pretty easily.
Crikey!! That is TOUGH love. I'm not even venturing outside to check the mail lol I joined fast draft this week, officially starting tomorrow.
hehe, at least you don't have the wind :o) We had that the other night and it was miserable. The screen door almost froze shut lol Its sad when you think of the -20s and 30s as balmy!!
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