Dude, Where's My Muse?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It actually looks AND feels like summer outside today. I'm stunned. It's been so cool the last while that you'd actually think it was fall instead of the start of July. My poor flowers from seed are so stunted I'm thinking it may take a miracle for them to bloom before September.
But it was so nice out I spent a couple hours outside this afternoon, sitting in the sun and picking strawberries from the plants. Yum!! Found a bug that I'll have to google though and see what it is. The backyard bunny was sunning himself under the evergreen for quite awhile. It was the smaller of the three, he's a little more jumpy than the others but he still won't run far when you go by. Only bad thing is he's eating the leaves of everything--strawberries, grapes, petunias. Trying to get him to eat the lettuce and carrots lol
posted by Lis at 6:58 p.m.

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