Dude, Where's My Muse?
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Alright a suitable title. :o)
I read Olga's blog this morning and she reminded people she's doing her workshop on knowing her characters next weekend, so I figured I'd do the same. I'm doing two, the Dreaded Synopsis and Agent Hunting.
So I've got a few rough points out for both, but what I figured was do a bit of research on here. Anything you all would like to see covered in these? Particularly in the Agent one? I guess I'll touch briefly on query letters (though one of the other ladies is doing a workshop that touches on that too) so I don't want to step on any toes.
Should be interesting to see how conference weekend goes, I might try to schedule a chat of sorts with the synopsis workshop, though I'll have to ask the people in the workshop if that would be of any interest to them or not.
I read Olga's blog this morning and she reminded people she's doing her workshop on knowing her characters next weekend, so I figured I'd do the same. I'm doing two, the Dreaded Synopsis and Agent Hunting.
So I've got a few rough points out for both, but what I figured was do a bit of research on here. Anything you all would like to see covered in these? Particularly in the Agent one? I guess I'll touch briefly on query letters (though one of the other ladies is doing a workshop that touches on that too) so I don't want to step on any toes.
Should be interesting to see how conference weekend goes, I might try to schedule a chat of sorts with the synopsis workshop, though I'll have to ask the people in the workshop if that would be of any interest to them or not.
posted by Lis at 5:02 p.m.

Hi, I saw your link on Olga's blog and thought I'd roam about a bit.
I am so clueless when it comes to agents. How it all works and such. When do you want to consider an agent? How much does the agent get? Are you contracted (I assume)? I am in serious need for some info on this subject.
Lis, thanks for the plug! You're so sweet to tell about my workshop. As for agent workshop, I'm pretty much interested in the same questions Dana asked, plus the following. How do you find an agent that is good for you? How do you hook an agent? How do you distinguish between an agent who'll move forward your career and the ones that will not?
Thanks for the help guys :o) Much appreciated
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