Dude, Where's My Muse?
Monday, May 16, 2005
Its Monday which was never good anyway...
*glances up* So I felt like quoting an old Mary Chapin-Carpenter song as my title :o)
And Monday's actually been fairly good to me so far. Wrapped up the Dreaded Synopsis workshop and the Agent one this afternoon and got some nice feedback from them. Finished up the intro to emotion and got that all posted to the list. So if there's anyone out there who still wants in on Emotion, let me know and I'll get an invite your way!
Still no word on any of my queries (sent a few out Friday) though I'm not expecting much. Sort of at the point where I'm thinking its time to retire that story for awhile, just let it go and delve into one of the others. I still have that Bombshell idea floating around up there and some ST ones too. And I probably should have something started in the Temptation area in case they ask for something else right? Better to be prepared this time than I was last time I sent HP to Susan at SIM and she said to send her anything else, cept I didn't have anything else for her at the time. Stupid me huh? *g*
The one I've been agent pitching is RS, and I do have a couple other ideas that would need severe polishing too, but I think if they signed me on an RS I'd be sorta stuck creating the brand with RS for awhile. And I'm not sure about that, I like RS, I can write them fine and well but I do know most of my best stuff comes angsty, so not quite sure.
Alright, enough ramble babbles from me right now. Off to grab a water!
And Monday's actually been fairly good to me so far. Wrapped up the Dreaded Synopsis workshop and the Agent one this afternoon and got some nice feedback from them. Finished up the intro to emotion and got that all posted to the list. So if there's anyone out there who still wants in on Emotion, let me know and I'll get an invite your way!
Still no word on any of my queries (sent a few out Friday) though I'm not expecting much. Sort of at the point where I'm thinking its time to retire that story for awhile, just let it go and delve into one of the others. I still have that Bombshell idea floating around up there and some ST ones too. And I probably should have something started in the Temptation area in case they ask for something else right? Better to be prepared this time than I was last time I sent HP to Susan at SIM and she said to send her anything else, cept I didn't have anything else for her at the time. Stupid me huh? *g*
The one I've been agent pitching is RS, and I do have a couple other ideas that would need severe polishing too, but I think if they signed me on an RS I'd be sorta stuck creating the brand with RS for awhile. And I'm not sure about that, I like RS, I can write them fine and well but I do know most of my best stuff comes angsty, so not quite sure.
Alright, enough ramble babbles from me right now. Off to grab a water!
posted by Lis at 4:14 p.m.

Lisa, like I said, loved your workshops, and best of luck on your queries and the full in England!
Thanks Olga! Glad you enjoyed the workshops. I think the first two went better than I thought they would go. :o)
Almost hitting a month on the MS!
They were great workshops, indeed. And I have some news to share just how much your knowledge helped me.
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